Training is an essential part of CERT

Our next series of CERT classes has been scheduled. The
classes will be held on Thursday evenings, unless otherwise
indicated; each class except the final exercise will begin
at 6 pm and end by 9 pm. The location of all classes will
be the Training Room at Fire Station #6,
2740 25th Street
SE, Salem. The dates are as follows:
September 5
Thursday, September 12
Thursday, September
Thursday, September 26
Thursday, October 3
October 9
Saturday, October 12, final exercise (mock
disaster drill), from 8 am to 12 noon
Details The
classes are provided by the City of Salem CERT, under the
auspices of the Salem Fire Department, and there is no charge
to participate. To become certified, you must attend all
the classes. Topics included in the training are: personal
preparedness, the CERT organization, disaster medical operations,
disaster psychology, fire safety and utility controls, light
search and rescue operations, CERT and terrorism. The final
class in the series is a mock disaster drill in which you
will be able to practice the skills you have learned during
the previous classes.
If you would like to enroll
for this series of classes, the three enrollment forms are
attached. Please complete and return the forms to me electronically
to complete your enrollment. If you are unable to open the
forms or are unable to return them to me electronically,
please let me know so that we can make different arrangements
for their completion and return.
If you have any
questions about the forms, the classes, or the CERT program,
please feel welcome to contact Lola Hackett.
Contact Lola Hackett ( Preregistration
is required.
CERT Volunteer Skills Sheet
Volunteer Background
CERT Waiver Adult
Stop the Bleed CourseDates First Date Option: Thursday,
October 10
Second Date Option: Thursday, October 24
Times Starting at 6:00 p.m. (90-minutes)
Location Training
Room of Fire Station #6: 2740 25th Street SE, Salem
The classes are supported by CERT, but it is not necessary
to be a CERT member to participate in a class. The classes
are free.
Registration Contact Lola Hackett (
Preregistration is required.
Hosted by: CERT and Salem